Saturday, June 25, 2011

Red Carpet Lounge

As some of you probably know, my job functions at State Street are being transitioned to India. For the past couple of months, I've been training some guys to do my job. Isn't that great? my replacements. Nice. I'm still in limbo and don't know what will happen once this transition is complete. Will I transferred to a different department or be let go? No idea. But there is one thing good that is coming out of this predicament...I get a free trip to India!

Right now I am sitting in the Red Carpet Lounge in Denver, CO. I've never been in one of these lounges before because I've never flown Business class. But I was curious to see what was behind Door #1. So far I get free internet, snacks (crackers, Tillamook cheese, gourmet hot chocolate, carrots & ranch), and a comfy place to hang out while I wait for my next flight to Frankfurt, Germany, and then to Mumbai, India. Can't wait to see how that will be like compared to the normal Economy class I usually fly.

Even though the reason of this business trip isn't the best, I hope I get to at least enjoy myself a little!!

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