Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Don't get no security involved"

What I haven't mentioned so far is all the security that's over here. It feels like I am entering a high tech area when I roll up to the hotel with my driver. Every day when I come home to the hotel, I have to pass through a security checkpoint. We have 4 different dogs that have checked us out - boxer, German Shephard, black lab, and golden retriever.

The security guards open our doors and have the dog sniff inside (probably looking for drugs or something...I don't think they respond to B.O.), one guy checks the hood, another the trunk, and the last rolls a mirror under the car to check for...hmmm...people hanging on underneath? Or maybe it's for bombs? Who knows. But what I do know is that they don't like it when you take photos of this. I got busted one day for taking a photo and the security guy made me delete it. No worries. It was blurry and I already had a few other ones from another day. ;-) So far, our favorite is the boxer. I think she had me when one night she looked inside the car door with her tongue hanging out the side. So cute. lol

Once we get to the front of the hotel, we have to go through another security checkpoint. Not only do I put my bag through the x-ray machine, I walk through a metal detector AND then have to go into a screened-off room to get wanded by a girl. EVERY DAY.

Even when I go to work, there are security guards at the Airoli office that check the trunk of the car. Not sure what they are looking for, but hopefully they don't find it!

(P.S. If you can guess which song that the post's title is from, I will buy you lunch.)

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