Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I mentioned before how limited personal space is here in India. But I think I'll touch on it a little bit more. It's pretty crazy how crowded it is here. One day Dave and I came to work and were waiting for the elevator. All of a sudden, the elevator lights up with the word "FULL." What the heck is this? Full? They must be kidding. How does the elevator know it's full? Next thing you know, the door opens up and I swear like 20 people come out of this small elevator!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. Dave thought it looked like a clown car it was so full. I swear it should only fit like 10 people or something. Anyhow, I couldn't stop laughing. Yes, it was indeed full. Unfortunately, I only got to see it once...but I keep waiting for the little sign to light up every time I'm near the elevator. :-)

I finally got one of those photos that I've been trying to get! Yes, 4 people on a bike. I don't know how everyone holds on, especially if the chick is sitting side-saddle. But it amazes me every time I see 3 or 4 people on a motorcycle.

I took this photo when driving from Delhi to Agra. I thought Tuk Tuks normally held 2 people in the back...somewhat comfortably...plus the driver. But check this out!! I think the most I saw was about 10 people riding in a Tuk Tuk!! Crazy! But notice how there are two of them next to each other. It's normal here. I still haven't ridden in one here yet (unless you count me sitting in one in front of the hotel), but I did in Thailand. I think I'm spoiled by having a driver to/from work.

I haven't got to experience the train travel yet. But I heard from one of my colleagues that it was quite an experience. Apparently, the are people sitting everywhere, on backs of seats, on top of the train, hanging off the side of the train, etc. And, what's interesting is that they don't wait for the train to stop before exiting. They just jump off while it is moving. I thought he might be kidding, but I saw someone do this on a moving bus!!

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